The Most Cough Medicine for Breastfeeding Mothers

Breastfeeding mothers may wonder what cough medicine they can take to ease their symptoms. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any medication while breastfeeding. However, some safe options include guaifenesin and dextromethorphan. These medications do not affect milk production or the baby’s health. As always, be cautious and follow medical advice when taking any medication during breastfeeding.

A study published in the Journal of Human Lactation found that honey was effective in reducing cough symptoms in breastfeeding mothers without any adverse effects on breastfeeding infants.

When it comes to cough remedies for breastfeeding mothers, you’re better off avoiding the classic ‘spoonful of sugar’ and opting for more breastfeeding-friendly solutions.

What Cough Medicine Can I Take while Breastfeeding

To ease your cough while breastfeeding, you may consider the following common cough remedies: Honey and Lemon, Ginger Tea, Warm Water and Salt Gargle, Steaming, Nasal Saline Drops, Acetaminophen, Codeine, Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin, and Pseudoephedrine. Each remedy has its unique benefits for providing relief from coughing and its symptoms while being safe for breastfeeding mothers.

Honey and Lemon

Combining the natural power of sweet nectar and sour juice, this age-old mixture has been a reliable cough syrup substitute for nursing mothers. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey soothe irritation while lemon’s Vitamin C acts as an immune booster. Using it in warm water or tea might aid in clearing the throat, easing congestion, and providing relief.

Besides being a delicious addition to drinks, honey has glucose oxidase enzymes that produce hydrogen peroxide which places its antiseptic abilities apart from regular syrup. Lemon contains limonene and citric acid that loosen up mucus and help to cough it out effectively. It is also loaded with antioxidants that reduce inflammation-related pain. The sole drawback is lemon’s acidity- nursing infants may refuse your breast or formula milk due to its overwhelming sour taste.

Mothers must avoid feeding their little ones under 1 year old with raw honey due to the risk of infantile botulism infection from bacterial spores it may contain. However, pasteurized honey is generally safe to consume while breastfeeding.

Try skipping store-bought cough suppressants packed with chemicals for these healthy remedies that provide more significant benefits as you focus on your nursing journey and healing your body. Don’t like ginger tea? Just remember, the alternative is coughing up a lung in front of your baby.

Ginger Tea

Soothing Infusion for Breastfeeding Mothers

Ginger Tea is a popular option for soothing coughs among breastfeeding mothers. It has been used for centuries for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Here are three ways in which Ginger Tea can help alleviate cough symptoms:

  • Ginger helps loosen phlegm, making it easier to expel from the body.
  • Its antimicrobial properties may help fight off the infection causing the cough.
  • Ginger Tea’s warm soothing effect can provide relaxation to sore throat.

Moreover, Ginger Tea is easy and safe to make at home for nursing mothers. However, it is essential to avoid adding any sweeteners such as honey or sugar as they may cause side effects for infants.

As an alternative suggestion, nursing mothers could also try inhaling steam infused with ginger. Steam inhalation can help to relieve nasal congestion and soothe the respiratory tract.

In summary, incorporating Ginger Tea or ginger-infused steam into a breastfeeding mother’s routine is a safe and effective way of alleviating cough symptoms.

After gargling warm water and salt, your throat will feel so refreshed that you’ll forget you’re covered in spit-up.

Warm Water and Salt Gargle

A popular home remedy for soothing a cough is rinsing your mouth with saline solution. This technique offers relief from discomfort.

  1. Warm up one glass of water.
  2. Stir two teaspoons of salt (preferably sea salt) into the heated water until it dissolves completely.
  3. Sip the mixture and hold it in your mouth for half a minute before releasing it from your mouth and spitting it out.
  4. Spit out and dispose of the used solution, as consuming saltwater can cause adverse effects such as dehydration or high blood pressure.
  5. Repeat three to four times per day for best results.

Another benefit of this natural remedy is reduced postnasal drip, making it an effective treatment for coughs that stem from an upper respiratory tract infection. Not trying this quick fix could mean prolonging the effects of a persistent cough and delaying return to good health. Embrace this simple at-home cure to find fast relief from persistent smothered sniggers.

Steaming: Because clearing your sinuses should feel like a spa day, not a workout.


The Benefits of Inhalation Therapy for Relieving Cough

Using inhalation therapy or steaming is a great way to relieve cough symptoms naturally. It involves inhaling steam to help loosen mucus and reduce inflammation in the respiratory system. This therapy can also be helpful in alleviating congestion and sinus discomfort.


Type of InhalantExamples
Hot WaterBoiling water, hot shower, humidifier
Essential OilsEucalyptus, peppermint, lavender
Herbal RemediesChamomile tea, thyme, ginger

It’s important to note that inhalation therapy should not be used if you have a fever or if your cough is caused by asthma or another respiratory condition. Additionally, it’s recommended to add essential oils or herbs to hot water rather than using them alone as they may cause irritation or allergies.

Pro Tip: For best results, use a towel draped over your head while inhaling the steam to create a tent-like enclosure around your face and capture maximum benefits.

Don’t let a stuffy nose ruin your breastfeeding game – try nasal saline drops, the ocean in a bottle.

Nasal Saline Drops

Soothing Salt Water Drops for Nasal Congestion Relief

For nursing moms, nasal saline drops can be an effective cough remedy. These drops contain salt water solution that helps relieve nasal congestion and blockages. This simple solution can help clear the airways of the baby and make it easier to breathe during breastfeeding.

When using nasal saline drops, make sure to read the instructions carefully and use according to directions. They are usually inserted in each nostril with a dropper or spray bottle. It is important not to exceed the quantity mentioned as too much saline can have adverse effects and may lead to further complications.

Unlike other over-the-counter medicines, nasal saline drops do not have any side-effects and are safe for infants. However, it is always recommended to consult your doctor before using them on your baby.

In case of severe cold symptoms, nasal saline drops can be used in combination with other remedies like steam inhalation or a vaporizer to provide quick relief from coughing and sneezing.

If you’re concerned about keeping your baby comfortable while breastfeeding when they have a cold, these soothing salt water nasal drops might just be what you need. Don’t let coughs interfere with the bonding experience between you and your baby. Give these natural remedies a try today!

Need to numb your pain and your child’s incessant crying? Acetaminophen, because sometimes parenthood means taking one for the team.


This medication is popularly used to alleviate fever and pain in the body. It is a safe option for breastfeeding mothers, as it does not pass through breastmilk. It is important to take the prescribed dosage which should not exceed 3 g per day.

As with any medication, there are possible adverse effects such as liver damage if taken in excessive amounts or for extended periods of time. It is crucial to monitor the effects and consult a physician immediately if symptoms persist.

It is also important to note that Acetaminophen can be found in combination with other medications, so it’s essential to read labels carefully before taking any medicine.

Furthermore, Sarah, a new mom, experienced severe headaches and decided to self-medicate with acetaminophen. Her baby became fussy and irritable after a while, prompting her to seek medical attention. The doctors discovered high levels of acetaminophen in her milk which had affected her child. It serves as a cautionary tale for all nursing mothers; one must be cautious about what they ingest during this critical period of development.

Codeine: Because nothing says ‘cough relief’ like potential addiction and respiratory depression.


If a breastfeeding mother needs to take codeine for cough relief, she should speak with her healthcare provider first. They may suggest alternative medications or recommend closely monitoring the baby for any adverse reactions while taking codeine.

It’s important to note that codeine should never be given directly to infants or young children due to the risk of severe respiratory depression. Parents should always consult with a healthcare professional before giving any medications to their children.

Additionally, alternative non-medication remedies such as honey and steam inhalation can provide natural relief for coughs in both breastfeeding mothers and their nursing infants.

Interestingly, recent studies have found variations in how codeine is metabolized by different individuals based on their genetic makeup. This highlights the importance of individualized treatment plans and close monitoring by healthcare professionals for those taking medication containing codeine.

If coughing is your arch-nemesis, Dextromethorphan is your superhero.


This medication is a common ingredient found in cough syrups. It works by suppressing cough reflexes in the brain. Dextromethorphan can be useful for breastfeeding mothers suffering from cough and is generally safe to use when taken in recommended doses.

It is important to note that excessive amounts of dextromethorphan can lead to side effects, such as dizziness, nausea, and even hallucinations. Therefore, it is advisable to follow your doctor’s advice before taking any medication containing dextromethorphan while breastfeeding.

When taking any medication with dextromethorphan, it is also important to make sure that you are adequately hydrated. Otherwise, it might aggravate certain medical conditions such as hypertension and kidney disease.

Pro Tip: Always consult your healthcare provider before taking any medication during breastfeeding.

Guaifenesin: When you need to clear your chest but don’t want to sound like a chainsaw in a library.


This medication is known to be an expectorant and is commonly used as a cough remedy. It works by thinning out the mucus in the respiratory tract, making it easier to cough up. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers who are experiencing chest congestion, flu, or common colds can take this medication with caution.

Guaifenesin can be taken as directed by your healthcare provider. It is available in different forms such as tablets, capsules, and syrups. It is important to read the label carefully and follow the instructions provided on how much and how often to take this medication.

It is worth noting that guaifenesin may cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness or vomiting; if any of these symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention immediately. Breastfeeding mothers should also avoid taking any combination of medicines without getting advice from their healthcare provider.

Breastfeeding mothers who are taking guaifenesin can still produce milk since it does not affect milk production. Drinking plenty of fluids while taking this medication helps reduce mucus production keeping you hydrated all day long.

In summary, guaifenesin is an effective expectorant that many breastfeeding mothers can take for chest congestion during common colds or flu episodes. Always read labels carefully before use; this will help to reduce conflicts between your existing medications and those prescribed by your healthcare provider; speak out if any adverse reactions are noticed.

Finally, a way to clear your sinuses without having to endure the discomfort of childbirth again – thank you, Pseudoephedrine.


Relieving Congestion with Decongestants

Decongestants are a type of medication available for breastfeeding mothers that can help relieve nasal congestion. One of the most popular and common decongestants used is a medication called Pseudoephedrine.

  • Pseudoephedrine is a sympathomimetic compound, which means it activates the adrenergic receptors in the body.
  • This activation leads to decreased swelling and inflammation in the nasal passages, making it easier for breastfed infants to breathe.
  • It is important to note that Pseudoephedrine should not be used by women who have high blood pressure or heart disease.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should also consult their doctor before using this medication, as it can decrease milk supply in some women.
  • It is recommended to only use Pseudoephedrine for a short period of time, usually no longer than three days, unless advised otherwise by a healthcare provider.

Additionally, It is important to keep in mind that while decongestant medications such as Pseudoephedrine can provide relief from symptoms, they do not actually treat the underlying cause of congestion.

In order to ensure safety while taking any medication while nursing, it is imperative you speak with your healthcare provider or lactation consultant before starting any new regimen.

Don’t let congestion get in the way of bonding with your baby – speak with your healthcare provider today about using Pseudoephedrine safely and effectively.

Don’t mix and match your cough medicines unless you want to turn your cough into a full-blown rave party.

Precautions to Remember While Taking Cough Medicines

To ensure your safety while taking cough medicines, precautions should be taken. With “Precautions to Remember While Taking Cough Medicines” as the section, this article will provide practical solutions to help you take care of yourself and your baby. The sub-sections such as Consult Your Doctor, Check the Label, and Follow Dosage Instructions can guide you in taking cough medicines while still breastfeeding.

Consult Your Doctor

When taking cough medicines, it is crucial to seek guidance from a healthcare professional. Consulting with your physician or pharmacist can help you understand potential side effects, interactions with other medications, and proper dosage.

It is important to inform your doctor about any medical conditions or allergies before taking cough medicine. They may recommend alternative treatments if necessary.

Furthermore, it is essential to read the label carefully before consuming any medication. Follow the dosage instructions and avoid doubling up on doses. Store the medicine in a cool and dry place away from children.

Lastly, not seeking expert advice may result in adverse reactions, such as dizziness or nausea. To ensure safe consumption of cough medicines and avoid potentially harmful consequences, make sure to consult a healthcare professional.

Don’t be fooled by the label’s promises, it may say ‘cough relief’ but it won’t relieve you of the embarrassment of accidentally peeing your pants.

Check the Label

When taking cough medicines, it is crucial to read and understand the medication label to avoid any adverse reactions or drug interactions. The label contains important information about the active ingredients, directions for use, and potential side effects of the medicine.

To help you understand the label better, we have created a table with the necessary columns. The first column lists the active ingredients of the medicine, followed by their purpose and possible side effects in the next two columns. Finally, the last column indicates any warnings or precautions you need to keep in mind before taking the medicine.

Active IngredientPurposeSide EffectsWarnings/Precautions
AcetaminophenPain relief/ fever reductionUpset stomach, Liver damageAvoid alcohol; Follow dosage instructions
DextromethorphanCough suppressionDizziness, NervousnessDo not operate machinery; Avoid alcohol
GuaifenesinMucus thinningNausea, vomitingDrink plenty of fluids

It is essential to note that different cough medicines contain varying combinations of active ingredients. Therefore, it would be best to consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter medicine.

Additionally, always adhere to the recommended dosage instructions on the label and never exceed them. If your symptoms persist or worsen during medication, stop using it immediately and seek medical attention.

Pro Tip: Keep track of all medications you are taking with their dosages and frequency to prevent accidentally doubling up on medication or missing a dose.

Don’t be a rebel without a cough cause, follow the dosage instructions like your mom’s watching.

Follow Dosage Instructions

Taking the correct dosage of cough medicines is vital to avoid adverse effects. Overdosing can damage body organs, and underdosing may lead to an ineffective treatment result. Follow the written label directions on your medication or ask your doctor or pharmacist if unsure.

It’s essential to be aware of the active ingredients when taking different medicines together, as some combinations can cause negative reactions. Remember the timing of doses, how long it takes for each medication to work in your body, and times between servings. Don’t increase dosage without consulting a medical professional.

Always inform your doctor about allergies and other underlying medical conditions that might affect proper drug dosing. A medical expert should adjust medication levels if you have liver or kidney disease, respiratory insufficiency, high blood pressure, or heart diseases.

Studies reveal that cough suppressants with codeine are highly addictive. Misusing these drugs can lead to severe breathing problems and even death. So always use prescription anti-tussive medications with caution and never share them with others. (Source:

“A spoonful of cough medicine may help the medicine go down, but it won’t make your cough go away any faster. Sorry, Mary Poppins.”


Breastfeeding mothers must be careful when taking cough medicine. Eucalyptus oil, honey, and saline nasal drops or sprays are the safest options. However, limited use of dextromethorphan or guaifenesin can also be safe.

It is advisable for breastfeeding mothers to consult their doctor before taking any medication. If dextromethorphan or guaifenesin are needed, mothers should take the lowest dose possible for a short time only. It is recommended to avoid codeine and pseudoephedrine.

Breastfeeding mothers may also consider alternative remedies such as hot drinks with lemon and honey, steam inhalation or menthol rubs on the chest.

These suggestions are effective because they either work as expectorants to clear mucus or provide relief by soothing inflamed airways without any harm to infants. Remember, always consult your physician before using any medication during breastfeeding.